LS Cable & System seizes Grand Prize in Printed Company Newsletter Special Sector at the ‘2018 Korea Communication Awards’

LS Cable&System2018-12-04

■ Award for communication through encouragement and empathy, reflecting diverse themes and voices of various stakeholders


Open Mind, the company newsletter of LS Cable & System (President & CEO Roe-hyun Myung), was awarded the Grand Prize for the Printed Company Newsletter Special Sector of the ‘2018 Korea Communication Awards’ hosted by the Korea Business Communicators Association (National Assembly’s Science, ICT, Broadcasting and Communications Committee, Chairman’s Award).   


Every month, Open Mind selects themes for the main articles that reflect the concerns of employees and stakeholders thus broadly communicating the various thoughts and opinions of executives, managers, production employees, new recruits and others related to the Company and the industry. The publication was also praised for making efforts to communicate through encouragement and empathy, instead of unilaterally delivering the message of the management.


For this year, concerns of each group were selected as topics for special features, such as work culture improvement including work diet, meetings/reports, work-life balance, company dinners, the millennial generation, current trends of team leaders and so on. All received a positive response from the employees.


LS Cable & System, established in 1962, began publishing monthly newsletters in 1975 and has yet to miss a single issue for over 40 years. This month’s edition was the 517th consecutive volume.


An employee at LS Cable & System said, “We have a sense of responsibility and pride towards the cable industry, which comes from contributing to the national infrastructure for a long period of time. Based on this, we are making efforts so that the company newsletter will become an ‘open venue’ for employees to share their experience, and for fostering a feeling of fellowship.”


The ‘Korea Communication Awards’ is hosted by the Korea Business Communicators Association, and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. Each year, it selects and awards excellent works in the fields of company newsletters, broadcasting, papers, PR materials, etc. published by companies, associations and governmental institutions.